Most Valuable Games 2
Most Valuable Games Volume 2 (MVP Publishing)(August 1995).iso
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Crazy Cards
User-supported software, which is also known as Shareware,
as an experiment in microcomputer software distribution based on
the following principles:
1. That the value or worth of a program is best judged by the
individual user using the program on his/her own machine.
2. That the creation and distribution of microcomputer software
can be financially supported by users at reasonable cost.
3. That the copying and sharing of software can and is
Anyone may request a copy of a user-supported program by
sending a blank, formatted disk to the author of the program. An
addressed, postage-paid return mailer must accompany the disk (no
exceptions, please). A copy of the program, with documentation on
the disk, will be sent by return mail. The program will carry a
notice suggesting a contribution to the program's author. Making
a contribution is completely voluntary.
Free distribution of software and voluntary payment for its
use eliminates costs for advertising and copy protection schemes.
Users obtain quality software at reduced cost. They can try it
out before buying, and do so at their own pace and in the comfort
of their own home or office. The best programs will survive based
purely on their quality and usefulness.
Please join the experiment. If you share a belief in these
principles, your contribution is requested to help make this
work. Regardless of whether you make a contribution, you are
encouraged to copy and share this program.
Individuals, clubs, and other non-profit organizations are
granted permission by the authors to freely copy this program and
documentation and share it with their members, so long as:
1. No price is charged for the software or documentation.
However, a distribution, copying cost or charge for the cost of
the diskette, so long as it is not more than $6.00 total.
2. Club members be informed of the user-supported idea and
encouraged to support it with their donations.
3. The program(s) or documentation are not modified in any way
and they are distributed together.
Your Contribution
Please send your contribution, $5 is suggested for Crazy
Cards. Also please include your name address, version number,
diskette size and information on where you received your copy of
the program to the following:
James Huckabey
3621-A Fraser Street
Bellingham, WA 98226-2473 U.S.A.
(360) 671-2868 (voice, Pacific)
It is important that your current version number is on all
correspondence. The program consists of:
CRAZY.EXE...............Actual program
CRAZY.DOC...............Program Instructions
FILE_ID.DIZ.............BBS description file
READ.ME.................Update information
HUCKABEY.TXT............Current list of James Huckabey
SOFTWARE.TXT............Information about shareware
ARCHIVE.TXT.............This list of files
(1) Crazy Cards is a Card Shark type program. The object of
the game is to guess whether the next card that is displayed is
going to be higher or lower than the last one displayed.
(2) The playing deck contains a regular 52 card deck plus
the Joker. If you draw the Joker game is Ended and your score is
reduced to zero. The Joker may or may not come up in any
particular game. Totally random!
(3) At the End of each play, 52 cards or turns, you advance
to the Top Ten display. If you score is higher than the lowest
score your score is placed in it's correct position and the 10th
position is removed. You are returned to the Options Menu at the
end of the round or if you press <ESC> during game play.
(4) The Top Ten file can be erased and a new one started.
Type in Crazy and press <ENTER>. The screen displays:
║ Crazy Cards Options Menu ║
║ <1> New Game ║
║ ║
║ <2> New Player ║
║ ║
║ <3> View Top Ten ║
║ ║
║ <4> Erase Top Ten ║
║ ║
║ <5> Information/Help ║
║ ║
║ <6> Turn Sound ON/OFF ║
║ ║
║ <7> Exit Program ║
║ Press Choice <1-7> ║
The Options Menu choices are straight forward!
<1> New Game
From the Options Menu you can press '1' or <ENTER>. The
screen displays 5 playing cards with the first one face up. The
screen displays:
Will next card be <H>igher or <L>ower? Press choice!
You press your choice of either 'H' or 'L'. Displays that
follow depend on the cards displayed and whether your choices are
correct or not. You get 10 points for each correct response.
After you press your choice for the 5th card the screen
Press <ENTER> for next hand or <ESC> to exit
Pressing <ENTER> displays the next four cards including the
last one for reference and the play continues. If you press <ESC>
'Escape' you are returned to the Options Menu and the current
game is ended.
If you draw the Joker your score is set to '0' and the Top
Ten scores are displayed before returning you to the Options
Menu. The Joker does not come up in every game, or it might. It's
appearance is totally random.
At the end of the 52nd card the screen displays:
Press <ENTER> for High Scores
Pressing <ENTER> displays the Top Ten.
<2> New Player
From the Options Menu press '2'. The screen displays:
Please type in your name and press <ENTER>!
[_ ]
Press <ESC> to exit!
Name length is 16 characters and can be anything, numbers,
letters or any combination. To erase the input press the
<BACKSPACE>. Pressing <ENTER> begins a new game.
If you do not enter a name the program picks a name for you
out of seven male and seven female names, and "Hey You". This was
just to add a some variety to the game.
<3> View Top Ten
From the Options Menu press '3'. The screen displays:
Crazy Cards Top Ten
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Open........... with 0 on 01-01-1995 at 09:30a
Press <ANY KEY> for Options Menu
If you have just completed a game and your score makes it
into the Top Ten it will be blinking in it's correct position on
the screen along with your score, current date and time. On all
other displays the names do not blink. Pressing any key returns
you to the Options Menu.
<4> Erase Top Ten
From the Options Menu press '4'. The screen displays:
Press <Y> To Confirm Deletion of Existing Score File
Press <ANY OTHER> Key to Abort
Pressing 'Y' erases the scores in the Top Ten score file and
rewrites the default file with "Open" for names, '0' for scores
and the current date and time. Pressing any other key returns you
to the Options Menu.
When the scores get too high for all ten positions just
erase the Top Ten scores and start over again.
<5> Information/Help
From the Options Menu press '5'. The screen displays the on-
line help screen.
<6> Turn Sound ON/OFF
From the Options Menu press '6'. If the sound is OFF it is
turned on, if it is ON it is turned on. Default for the program
is OFF. You must turn it ON or OFF from the Options Menu. This is
key clicks, warnings, etc.
<7> Exit Program
From the Options Menu press '7'. The program is terminated
after display of exit credits.
James Huckabey
3621-A Fraser Street
Bellingham, WA 98226-2473 U.S.A
(360) 671-2868 (voice, Pacific)